
Sunrise on Sunset Beach

Monday, January 10, 2011

Raking Fall Leaves with Paul and Camus

Athens, Georgia
November 6, 2010 


As angry insistence
and braying triumphalism
echo from the aging
alabaster façade
of a once bright city,
tears of the patriot
and tears of the powerless
tell all who would
hear one true thing:

       Noble ideals wielded
              without compassion
       become as noisy
                     gong and clanging

       The boulder falls, again
              to rubble below;
       squaring his back,
       Sisyphus descends


This fall football Saturday,
the discordant drone
of politicians and leafblowers
falls blessedly silent.

From hushed canopy stillness
       peace descends
with gentle cascade of leaves
and bright celestial chatter
as a thousand starlings speak
in tongues of tiny angels
a sonorous blessing
to life, joyfully


Wielding rake and canvas
on a driveway of leaves
my soul seeks relief
in productive tedium.

The measured rythmic scrape
       and swish on concrete
and dry leaves slowly
       resynchronize heartbeat
with head, sweat with
       soul into single
functional unity once more.

And soon, in slanting sunlight
shadow patterns decorate
clean concrete canvas
set between broad
brown leaf shoulders,
a work that will last


Satisfied, I sip
my hot caramel chai
watching new leaves
       settle so gently
from limitless yellow-brown
canopy above,
and I know in my soul
a second true thing:

       Though tomorrow and tomorrow
              and tomorrows on end
       bring trials and tears
              to a fallen world,
       there will be those
              true patriots who stand
       shoulder with Sisyphus
              and together in toil
       achieve due measure
                     of unsought nobility.

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