
Sunrise on Sunset Beach

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Night Music of San Rafael de Guatuso

San Rafael de Guatuso, Costa Rica
A living fence in Costa Rica, from
April 2, 2013

I wander dreams of dinosaurs
while dozing in a concrete cave
as freight trucks rumble
baritone scales
north into night.

Somewhere in darkness
drunks howl feigned joy
and small dogs strut
soprano outrage
from the safety of sofas.

stalk the hearts and haunt
Field in Guatuso,
courtesy of Mary Woods,
Methodist Rural Center, Costa Rica
the souls of those who walk
the night alone
in far lands.

But far is not a place you go to, 
far is something dark inside, 
a cave you wall against the terror 
faced alone but not beyond 
the love disguised as humble chance.

So who’s to say the whippoorwill
who camps aside my weathered door
to chant his sad, hypnotic score
is not an angel sent by God
to guard the gap from black to gray.

When somehow, dawn
birds sing back sleep
as light rains
play, pianissimo,
the green plains of Guatuso.

Where fence posts sprout
leaves and roots, and dark nights
yield to sun-baked days
with black beans, bitter coffee


  1. Thanks to our coordinators, Marion and Mary Woods, who lead the Methodist Rural Center in Costa Rica, and sent our team to San Rafael. And thanks to the good people of the Iglesia Evangelica Metodista in San Rafael for hosting our stay there.

    The Dusky Nightjar of Costa Rica is a close relative of the whippoorwill. For a short discussion and audio clips, see:

  2. Loved the far part. It gave me chills.
