
Sunrise on Sunset Beach

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To Probe the Impenetrable

Athens, Georgia
July 13, 2014

“Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it - in a decade, a century, or a millennium - we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise?”  
“In any field, find the strangest thing and explore it.”  
- John Archibald Wheeler

Pierce the veil and plunge 
beneath the scale of seeing. 
Probe impenetrable horizons 
and peer at the echo of origins. 

Corral the ghost that animates 
the spell of elegance that looks 
on all as made of strings, looped 
and coiled on 9-D branes, 

excited to the higher harmonics 
in a manifold landscape of quark 
and gluon, EM waves, and fields 
that warp space…

He has shown thee, O man, just 
what is good and what required. 

                          … Oh do not 
feign a humble pose. We stole 
the fruit, now find the cipher 
and call ourselves clever. If all

arose from empty void and we 
the fragile wisp of naught  
evolved to render the real; if 
awareness dances with truth — 

then let us feast on forbidden 
fruit and live forever, serenaded 
by a spare tune, not quite harsh,
played dolce on the cosmic harp.


  1. For a first-person tour of modern physics and cosmology, I recommend Amanda Gefter's new book, "Trespassing on Einstein's Lawn - a Father, a Daughter, the Meaning of Nothing, and the Beginning of Everything" -!trespassing/cfvg

  2. Been surfing primordial gravity waves again?
